
Mga Pahina

Sabado, Pebrero 25, 2012

Miss Medical is quitting :O


Dear Gorgeus Friend's

i heard an issue between the fight of Miss Medical and Mr. Medical is fighting!Mr Medical says he just want to
win the comptitiion while Ms. Medical saids shes not competiting with Mr. Medical,im really sad about that issue and i saw in Mr. Medical's Page that she really hate Ms. Medical cause he said that Ms. Medical  is a hacker and blaming Miss Medical for everything!now Miss medical is quiting Pico so lets just support her to cancel her quitting cause if she quits all off us will suffer so please help us lets beat Mr. Medical cause we just want justice to Miss Medical  so u can help us by liking this page
and the good new now is Mre. Medical is now a school and hes now hot#10 instead of hot#5! :)
im really glad but thats all!


Miyerkules, Pebrero 22, 2012

Animal Land.

guys try this cool game!Animal land,many people played this(specially my friends) but some of the people hates this game.but guys its awesome just try this awesome game and on Feb. 29,2012 u will get 5 tokens if you play his before Feb. 29,2012!

so what?!what are you  waiting for?!! go play now before it will be Feb. 29,2012
hurry!play now!

Be Responsible with your Password

hey guys!i told you,yous should be responsible with your Password!(specially for Non-Facebook Users)here are some password's that u should avoid using:





-i love you




-miss hottie

-pretty girls

Well u see that?!avoid using that passwords!!!!!!!!
Q:what if i dont know what to think!?
A:try to use your what year month and day is your Birthday!or you can put your favorite color or try to put your home address and country!
well thats all!hope u learn something from it!
if u ont understand what im saying better "READ IT AGAIN!"

Be Responsible with your Password

hey guys!i told you,yous should be responsible with your Password!(specially for Non-Facebook Users)here are some password's that u should avoid using:





-i love you




-miss hottie

-pretty girls

Well u see that?!avoid using that passwords!!!!!!!!
Q:what if i dont know what to think!?
A:try to use your what year month and day is your Birthday!or you can put your favorite color or try to put your home address and country!
well thats all!hope u learn something from it!
if u ont understand what im saying better "READ IT AGAIN!"

Lunes, Pebrero 13, 2012

Valentines at Tagalog Park!Part 2

This is the Part 2 of my Valentines hope u like it :)
tomorrow(VALENTINES DAY)is the part 3

TO BE CONTINUED..............

Huwebes, Pebrero 9, 2012

Valentines at Tagalog Park!Part 1

                                                                                                                            Dear my Gorgeus Friends,

ill just share my Valentines Experience!
its still not valentines day but i  celebrate valentines in advance!part 2 or 3 may be at valentines day or not!so im singgle but my heart is ready 2 minggle so its not too late to be singgle so here are my pics!enjoy! :)

TO BE CONTINUED..............


Miyerkules, Pebrero 8, 2012

really weird -.-

Dear my Gorgeus Friend's,

ill just share something weird to you
this peoples are really weird!they are AG users but theyre still doing the pirate quest so weird! O.O
here are some photos of them!enjoy!
Pico username(right one):ilham netral
Pico username:(left one):my 2nd acc :)

OMFG!thats his 2nd account same online at 1 time w/ out 2 computers!i know how to do it i also tried that!i open Google and Mozilla!

well thats all for now cause thats thep only pics i got hope u like it :D
